Absolutely nothing.
Need I say it again?
Fun Edwin Starr references aside, I'm being completely serious. War is ridiculous.
Firstly, it perpetuates the ridiculous amount of nationalism coursing through the blood of today's society. This nationalism is pure hubris, in the most tragic sense. For those who don't know hubris, while also meaning pride or arrogance, is a common concept in Greek style tragedy. When one has hubris, they have an excess of arrogance, ambition, pride, etc. that ultimately leads to their downfall. America is too prideful. We're so convinced that we're the most advanced, most powerful, richest, most important country in the entire damn world, that we're essentially blinded to both the plights and advancements of other countries, unless paying attention to them helps our reputation. America's head has gotten so damn fat with ego, that her eyes have swelled into narrow slits, allowing her to only see what she wants to see. Now, America has a little lap dog (Or shall we say lap Fox?) called the media that she keeps on a very short leash. By exacting control over the media, you, obviously,at least partially control what information the people receive. And that allows the government to essentially manipulate the masses into believing what they need them to believe in order to go on with their own agendas. In this case, the agenda is war.
Let's look specifically at good ole George W. Bush and the Iraq "war". I say "War" because, like the Vietnam "war", the Iraq "War" is not ACTUALLY a legal war, it is a military action taken by the president, that does not need the approval of Congress. (Thanks, War Powers Act!!!! /sarcasm)
In 2001, Saudi Arabia sold the USA a total of 588, 075 thousand barrels of oil. That same year, Iraq sold the USA a total of 289, 998 thousand barrels of oil. (
Source ) Now, dwell on the fact that the leader of Saudi Arabia was often jokingly called Saudi Bush.
One argument for the Iraq "war" was to get rid of Saddam Hussein. Guess who backed him and gave him military assistance in the first place?
The US of A! In fact, if you've seen Michael Moore's documentary Bowling for Coulmbine, you'll know that America seems to have made a habit of backing foreign dictators, and once they start doing their own thing and not obeying our every command, claiming they're cruel and having them taken out. Of course, the dictators are generally actually being cruel, but that's beside the point.
George W. also claimed that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, and that they had to be destroyed.
This proved to be untrue. Even so, the government claimed that Iraq's "purchase" of yellowcake uranium from Niger proves they plan to make weapons. This was also utterly
bogus. No uranium was ever purchased from Niger by Iraq.
The gist of all of this: The Iraq "war" is basically an intricate web of blatant lies to the entire public so we can invade a country that we ideologically oppose and has something we want(oil).
Your school history books are most likely lying to you.
World War II: The books I've seen try to pass off our involvement in it as being a response to finding out about the Holocaust and the concentration camps. And the ignore the fact that A. WE KNEW ABOUT THE CAMPS AND WERE TURNING JEWS OUT OF THE COUNTRY and B. We were doing something really fucking similar to Japanese Americans. And then we dropped not one, but two bombs on Japan and gave thousands of people leukemia, including unborn fetuses, killed countless more, and destroyed two entire cities.
Vietnam "War": We were fighting "TEH EVUL COMMIES!!!!1111!!!1!!!!1", supposedly. Basically we wanted to combat an ideology the government found threatening, and oh yeah, we wanted to boost the economy, so, hey let's go fuck a country up, kill innocent children, and wear there tongues around out necks! And the body counts were usually fabricated, and included not just Vietcong, but animals and the Vietnamese civilians that were ON OUR SIDE. All to make it look like we were accomplishing something. Not to mention we killed acres of forests with Agent Orange, then denied that it gave the soldiers skin cancer.
World War I: Just a great example of why having massive military power sitting around, and a convoluted group of alliances is a BAD THING.
And my second point against war: Money. Worldwide, 700 billion dollars are spent on defense. Worldwide, 100 billion dollars are spent on education.
Here's an idea. Pull out of Iraq, Afghanistan, what ever other countries we're currently fucking over, stop giving so much fucking money to the military, and fund our schools.
Maybe if we gave people good educations, they would stop being so damn xenophobic, and this would be less of an issue.
If the military has to exist, it should be purely for defense, and only when there is SOLID UNQUESTIONABLE PROOF we need to defend ourselves.
I realize I'm being biased and idealistic. But this is simply my opinion on the matter.
I shall leave with this clichéd, but relevant note:
Can't we all just get along?